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Director: Teresa Wood
Teresa also serves as Ministry Coordinator for the Loudon County Baptist Association. Teresa and her husband Shane have 3 beautiful children, 2 of which they fostered and adopted. Teresa has served in Children's Ministry for over 20 years and has a heart for children. She is a strong advocate for children that have been abused and neglected and in the foster care system. Teresa and her husband both serve in Ministry at Central Baptist Church where her husband is the Youth Pastor.
Volunteer Coordinator: Pamela Harris
Pam has a heart for children and the Immanuel House ministry. She also serves as the LCBA Ministry Assistant. Pam and her husband Jacky serve in ministry at Riverview Baptist Church in Loudon where Jacky is a deacon. Pam is a strong advocate for children and is Mimi to her 3 grandchildren.
About the Safe House
Immanuel House is a ministry of the Loudon County Baptist Association. The house was previously a mission home primarily used by missionaries on furlough. In 2019 the renovation began on what is now the Immanuel House. Numerous volunteers from many churches helped with the renovations. Teresa Wood designed the plan for the layout of the Safe House and contractor Jeff Murdock brought that vision to life. It was truly a labor of love by all the volunteers and LCBA Director of Missions Phil Holmes and Teresa Wood. The home has been decorated in calm neutral colors and kid friendly furnishings. Scripture can be found throughout the house. The Safe House offers a calm, relaxing retreat for children during a very traumatic time.
The Immanuel House Grand Opening was on September 9, 2020. Since opening, the Safe House has helped over 200 children. Certified Volunteers are able to sit with the children during their stay to hold space, play games, make a meal, watch movies, etc. This ministry has allowed us the opportunity to show the LOVE of JESUS to every child that comes to Immanuel House in a tangible way. Providing a bed to rest and sleep, a shower to get clean, a meal to fill their tummy and kind volunteers to be there for them is exactly what Jesus has called us to do. Not only do we have the opportunity to minister to the needs of the children, but to the DCS workers that sacrifice so much of their time for God's children. We strife to shower the DCS workers with prayer and appreciation for all that they do.
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